COVID-19 : Information and support for the arts sector
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Due to COVID-19, some deadlines and cut-off dates have changed. Our guidelines and forms will not reflect these changes. Please stay up to date by visiting our Deadlines and Notification of Results web page.
Consult our FAQ for the latest information about grants.
老王Vp梯子 You must first create an account and at least one applicant profile to use for applying for grants.
上外国的网站东西加速软件 Your applicant profile will be validated by Canada Council staff to make sure you are eligible to apply to the programs. You will receive an email notification once this has been done (this may take up to 15 business days).
3. Apply To Programs After your applicant profile has been validated, you can begin to apply to programs using that profile. Read the guidelines and preview the application form before you apply.
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7. Reporting on the Grant If you’ve received a grant, you must report on the results.
Consult our Deadlines page for the latest information about deadlines and results.
Consult our Application Limits page for the latest information about application limits.
Explore and Create funds Canadian artists, artistic groups and organizations committed to the creation and dissemination of innovative, vibrant and diverse art. This program advances Canadian artistic practices by encouraging artists to investigate creative processes and take risks that lead to the development of unique works destined to connect with the public. Explore and Create supports the research, development, creation and production of work, as well as professional development for artists.
Engage and Sustain fosters a vibrant foundation for the arts in Canada by supporting arts organizations at the heart of Canada’s creative communities. This program funds organizations that are dedicated to developing excellence in arts practice, advancing the arts through programming and exposing a diverse public to a range of artists and creative works.
The Canada Council for the Arts is committed to reaffirming and revitalizing its relationship with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada. Creating, Knowing and Sharing acknowledges the cultural sovereignty of Indigenous peoples and respects the concepts of First Nations, Inuit and Métis self-determination. This program supports Indigenous individuals, groups, Indigenous-led arts organizations and arts/cultural sector development organizations that foster a vital and resilient Indigenous arts ecosystem.
Supporting Artistic Practice encourages a dynamic support system for the arts in Canada by funding Canadian arts professionals, groups, and arts organizations who champion the Canadian arts sector, boost the capacity for artists to realize work and advance the conditions of creation. Supporting Artistic Practice contributes to the growing network of resources available to strengthen the arts and inspires sector innovation by supporting collaboration, targeted initiatives and career development opportunities for Canadian arts professionals.
Arts Across Canada fosters meaningful relationships and exchanges between artists and the Canadian public. Artists, arts professionals, groups and arts organizations can apply to present and share artistic work with diverse communities across the country, engage more deeply with the public and develop a stronger national profile. Festivals and other presenters can apply to highlight the work of Canadian and international artists, and contribute to the growing dialogue and exchange on the arts in Canada.
Arts Abroad celebrates the creativity, innovation and excellence of Canadian artists by helping to bring Canadian works to the world. This program supports artists, arts professionals, groups and organizations to enhance international exposure, undertake artistic exploration or exchanges with international colleagues, and nurture new and existing art markets in a global context.
The Digital Strategy Fund encourages an overall approach that helps support Canadian artists, groups and arts organizations in understanding the digital world, engaging with it, and responding to the cultural and social changes it produces. The Fund will support initiatives that aim at developing a user-centred culture of innovation, a rethinking of organizational culture, work procedures and leadership styles, and finally, the adoption and deployment of available technological solutions.
Access Support funds individual applicants who are Deaf, have disabilities or who are living with mental illness, as well as Deaf and disability arts groups and organizations. Grants provide a contribution towards costs for specific services and supports required to complete a project funded through a Canada Council program.
The Market Access Strategy for Official Language Minority Communities (OLMC) Fund aims to increase access of applicants from OLMCs to a diversity of markets and publics. This fund supports Canadian professional artists, arts professionals, artistic groups and arts organizations who self-identify as belonging to an OLMC (defined as groups of people whose maternal or chosen official language is not the majority language in their province or territory – in other words, Anglophones in Quebec and Francophones outside of Quebec).
The Media Arts Equipment Acquisition Fund supports Canadian professional media arts organizations to develop technical infrastructure that fosters conditions necessary for the vitality and advancement of independent media arts in Canada.
Your username cannot be changed once you have created your account.
Registering as a user of the Canada Council portal means that you understand and accept the conditions outlined in the Privacy Notice as they apply to the information you provide.